Ashwagandha and Caffeine

Ashwagandha and Caffeine:

Coffee, Tea, Energy Drinks and Supplements

Ashwagandha and Caffeine can make a highly potent combination that increases energy in both the short and long term – along with a host of other benefits we will review! These are powerful natural herbs and most commonly seeds from the coffee fruit or leaves from the tea plant, make sure to speak with your physician prior to beginning a new health regimen – their input is valuable and should be considered when changing what you put in your body.

Ashwagandha and Caffeine Overview

Caffeine is the most popular stimulant in the world – a staggering percentage 90% of adults ingest caffeine on a daily basis through coffee, tea, and other up and coming concoctions such as yerba mate and energy drinks. Caffeine in low and medium doses can create a sense of alertness, feeling awake, and energy. In higher doses caffeine can induce sweating, racing heart, and jitteriness. Caffeine can be a powerful stimulant and should be used with respect. Caffeine can be overwhelming and if you do not already regularly consume caffeine in any of its forms consult with your physician prior to adding it to your regimen!

Ashwagandha is an herb with a long history of traditional and folk medicinal uses. It is most commonly used to create a calm energy, increase vitality and decrease general anxiety. It has a history of use in Ayurvedic practices and is well documented as a botanical for over 5,000 years. The root of the herb is taken, turned into a powder and can come in various degrees of extraction, concentration and in combination with other healing herbs and spices.

Taking Ashwagandha and Caffeine Together

This combination of immediate and longer term energy may be the perfect match for those seeking something they can feel the immediate benefits of while also promoting a more permanent sustainable energy level. Ashwagandha takes longer to enjoy the full benefits from – with studies indicating anywhere from 4-12 weeks before feeling a difference. Caffeine on the other hand can be felt almost immediately upon consumption.

Using caffeine as the near instantaneous source of energy and ashwagandha as the eventual beneficial could be a winning combination. Habits can be difficult to build and maintaining a habit can be extremely difficult even if we understand that the eventual payoff could be beneficial. Caffeine may give us the initial burst of energy that allows us to see an immediate change, encouraging our new habit of taking ashwagandha at the same time. Eventually over time we may enjoy the benefits of ashwagandha and our habits can be solidified into our routines!

Caffeine Sources with Ashwagandha

Coffee and Tea are the most abundant and readily available sources of caffeine. When beginning to use either of these for the caffeine content make sure to also understand anything else that may be included in the beverages. Coffee on its own is very low in calories, but the common additions of milk, cream and sugar can quickly add hundreds of empty calories. 

Coffee can be enjoyed in a number of ways from pour over or drip to espresso, let’s take a look at some of the most common ways to enjoy coffee.

  • Drip: A simple filter filled with freshly ground or pre ground coffee that has a measured ratio of water slowly dripped over it. Drip coffee is incredibly convenient and can be easily planned – many drip coffee makers even come with a clock setting so you can wake up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee! Normally a drip coffee maker can make a few cups of coffee up to 8, although larger sized ones do exist. 
  • Pour Over: Similar to drip but can be made on a more individual basis – a pourover uses the same filter and ground coffee to make one to two cups of coffee. Pour overs can develop into quite the science and a freshly ground coffee that has been selected for the specific smells and flavors maybe break up this sentence can be enjoyed at any time of the day using this simple and efficient method of preparing coffee. Selecting the right organic filter, preparing the water to the correct temperature, and ensuring the grounds are the right size and consistency will deliver one excellent cup of coffee!
  • Concentrate: Coffee concentrate or caffeinated concentrates just might be the ultimate convenience in  obtaining a quick and easy energy boost. Multiple varieties can satisfy a range of flavor profiles and dietary preferences from vanilla infused and organic to purely extracted for adding to your own morning concoctions.
  • Cold Brew: Steep ground coffee overnight in the fridge and this silky smooth and highly caffeinated brew will be there to welcome you in the morning. Cold Brew is a cold extraction of the flavonoids and active ingredient caffeine from coffee and while it may take up some valuable fridge space once its craft is perfected it is personally one of our favorite ways to enjoy coffee – and it has the added benefit of being a cool drink if you are in a warmer climate, or can be heated for a cup of highly caffeinated warmth in a cooler climate. Depending on how long your cold brew steeps this can create a potent brew – enjoy with caution because it is deceptively easy to drink! 
  • Bottled: Easy, convenient and grabbable bottles of coffee come in every flavor profile, combination and brewed method. Packaged and bottle coffee is a great and convenient way to make sure you can avoid caffeine withdrawal symptoms. 
  • Espresso: Rich, velvety and on demand – espresso is a pressure brewed coffee that forces hot water through compacted grounds. Experimenting with different levels of roast can lead to perfecting your palate, and because of the pressured extraction and smaller volume espresso contains different oils and a lower total amount of caffeine per serving. Enjoy the unique aroma and the incredible frothy crema that is created with this treat

Tea and Ashwagandha

Tea encompasses an incredibly wide variety of beverages – from different regions and cultures of the world we can enjoy so many fantastic methods of preparation, flavor and health benefits!

Green: Green Teas constitute dried fresh leaves – they maintain their fresh flavor and are unoxidized. Green teas most often taste sweet, bittersweet, floral, citrus, and even briny like the ocean.

Red: Red Teas are partially oxidized, they most often taste sweet, and can have earthen and nutty flavor profiles.

Oolong: Oolong Teas are partially oxidized, they most often taste floral, sweet, piney, nutty and earthen.

Black: Black Tea is fully oxidized and sometimes fermented, they most often taste smoky, nutty, earthy, caramel and sometimes fruity and floral. 

Breakfast Blends: The perfect counterparty to a cup of coffee – Breakfast Blends of tea have evolved to be a smooth and calmly energizing way to start our day

Nighttime Blends: Often incorporating many different traditional herbal remedies for those who suffer from sleepless nights – Night Time Blends of tea can include chamomile, lemon balm and even kava or melatonin.

Flavored Teas: Hibiscus and many of types of tea exist that can add a wide range of flavor profiles to our list of 

Active ingredients in Tea

GABA: A neurotransmitter that decreases overexcitement in our central nervous system – the easiest way to picture what we think this tea component does is act like a blocker so whenever we would get anxious energy GABA steps in and doesn’t have all those bad vibes to take hold!

Antioxidants: Polyphenols and Flavonoids are antioxidants present in differing amounts in the variety of teas – these help control free radicals and prevent the damage they may cause in our bodies. Antioxidants are found in many natural herbs and if you’d like to learn more about the best places to get them (including tea!) read our full article on Antioxidants!

L-Theanine: An amino acid which promotes a sense of calm alertness. 

Additions & Other Sources:

Honey: a great way to incorporate a little more sweetness and gain the benefits of local honey if you can source it. Local honey will have a host of benefits that may help with seasonal allergies and act as a natural immune booster

Ginseng: For a full guide to how ginseng and ashwagandha work together read our Ashwagandha and Ginseng article. Ashwagandha and ginseng are a powerful duo of natural remedies that can help lower stress levels and increase natural energy. 

Energy Drinks: Wildly popular and easily available at gas stations and grocery stores – these come in a variety of styles from the more classic caffeine and taurine filled Red Bull to the small sized 5-Hour Energies that contain a potent mixture of vitamins and stimulants. Prior to enjoying one of these energy drinks we encourage independent research on the ingredients and a thoughtful approach to what we consume and give our bodies as nourishment. Some energy drinks contain multiple servings per bottle and should be consumed with caution – these can be seriously powerful and we really do encourage you to read the labels and research the ingredients, and limit daily or consistent consumption until more research has been done.

Ashwagandha Sources

Ashwagandha comes in two common formats – raw root powder and encapsulated pills. 

Raw Root Powder: This is the most basic format we can enjoy Ashwagandha in – it is the dried and powdered root of the plant and contains the active ingredients Withanolides. The powder can be encapsulated or used as an addition in coffee, tea or smoothies. 

Ashwagandha Pills: A variety of pills are easily available from online retailers. These contain raw root powder, extracted concentrations of Withanolides, and combinations of different healing herbs and spices that work synergistically together for even more powerful effects. To compare different pure and blended pills that contain Ashwagandha read our full comparison guide to Ashwagandha Pills!

Ashwagandha Vs. Caffeine, Differences and Similarities

Key Differences:

Ashwagandha and Caffeine contain different stimulants, antioxidants, methods of consumption and effects when taken immediately and over the long term.

The effects of caffeine can be felt almost instantaneously – a rush of revitalizing energy, increased heart rate, a feeling of alertness that erases fatigue. Ashwagandha has a much longer time before effects can be felt – taking effect as quickly as 3 days or as long as 12 weeks.

Caffeine comes in a variety of natural fruits and plants and can be consumed in many different ways. From our favorite mug we can enjoy a strong shot of espresso, a roasty cup of freshly brewed coffee, a soothing or exciting cup of tea, or even a splash of some heart racing energy drink. Ashwagandha comes in powder and pill form, and is taken more for its purported health benefits than its flavor (which can be bitter, muddy and astringent!).

Over the long term both caffeine and ashwagandha increase our sense of energy. Ashwagandha also increases our sense of well-being and could even counteract some of the anxiety that may be produced while consuming caffeine.

Ashwagandha has more calming effect in the long term than caffeine does. While caffeine in low doses may incrementally decrease stress by increasing immediate energy and motivation, ashwagandha will decrease stress through steady inclusion of withanolides. 

Proposed Effect











No Effect



*No Effect



*No Effect

Blood Pressure


*No Effect


No Effect

No Effect

Blood Sugar Regulation

No Effect

No Effect


No Effect


* More research required to determine key effects of caffeine intake on this factor. 

Caffeine and Ashwagandha Addiction Potential

Caffeine has addictive properties and daily users may feel the effects of withdrawal upon cessation of consumption. It is recommended to limit regular caffeine consumption and to speak with your doctor concerning your current or future planned caffeine intake.

Ashwagandha has no or little potential for addiction reported at this time – though further studies may be needed to provide additional evidence.


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